HomeStock MarketsThe Canadian Vanguard Stock Market Report At Market Close – June 28, 2024 Weekend

The Canadian Vanguard Stock Market Report At Market Close – June 28, 2024 Weekend

The Canadian Vanguard Stock Market Report At Market Close – June 28, 2024 Weekend


Your Data Driven Stock Market Analysis And Report –  June 28 – June 30, Weekend


The Toronto Market

Friday, the TSX was down -66.37 points -0.30% to close today’s market session at 21,875.79.


The market session on Friday was really negative as only one of the ten major sectors on the TSX ended the session with a gain. Discretionary Consumer Goods & Services with a gain of 0.09% was that one sector.  Basic Materials, down 1.12% essentially gave back the 1.19% gain of the previous session. Financials were marginally down at -0.03%; Telecommunications Services sector was down -0.05% while Technology was down -0.09%; Energy was down  -0.30% while Industrials sector was down -0.39% and Healthcare was down -1.12%.

For the week: nine of the ten major sectors actually gained: Durable Consumer Goods & Services rose 3.01%; Energy sector gained 2.45%; Technology gained 2.18%; Financials rose 1.81%; Utilities was up 1.54%; Industrials gained 1.35% and Healthcare was up 0.62%. Telecommunications Services declined -1.90% ending up as the only major sector to end the week with a decline.

In the industry groups, Entertainment Production was up 3.23%; Auto & Trucks Manufacturers gained 2.85%; Retail – Apparel & Accessories gained 2.71%, while Advertising / Marketing was up 2.56% and Consumer Financial Services was up 2.00%.

Today’s Statistics: Today, the declined issues (Decliners) outnumbered the gaining issues (Advancers). The ratio of Decliners to Advancers was 1.15-to-1.0 or in simple terms, roughly for every eleven Decliners there were ten Advancers. In real numbers, 764 Decliners to 664 Advancers to with 114 Unchanged. The total volume of shares traded for gaining stocks was 184,700,831 or 50.4%, the total volume for declined stocks was 163,452,952 or 44.6% and 18,559,031 or 5.1% for “Unchanged”.

On Friday, there were 66 new 52-Week Highs and 10 new 52-Week Lows. On Wednesday, there were 36 new 52-Week Highs and 11 new 52-Week Lows.

The total volume of shares traded at the TSX today was 366,712,814 compared to 258,320,063 on Wednesday. The volume on Friday was 41% higher than the volume the previous session and 16% lower than the average of the ten most recent market sessions.


The US Markets

The Dow Industrial Average was down on Friday  -45.20 points or -0.12% to close the market session at 39,118.86. The S&P 500 was down -22.39 points, or -0.41%, to close at 5,460.48. The Nasdaq Composite dropped by -126.08 points or -0.71%, to close at 17,732.60.

The markets were quite negative.  Only three of the major sectors ended the session with gains: Financials, Telecommunications Services and Energy gained 0.68%, 0.62% and 0.38% respectively. Basic Materials ended the session even or 0.00% gain. Industrials sector declined -0.10%; Healthcare declined -0.17%, while Technology and Durable Consumer Goods & Services both declined -0.57%. Utilities declined -0.98%.

For the week, Energy gained 2.40%; Telecommunications Services gained 1.59%; Financials gained 1.37%, while Discretionary Consumer Goods & Services gained 0.85% and Technology gained 0.05%. Healthcare declined -0.03%; Industrials declined -0.20%; Basic Materials was down -0.58% and Utilities declined -0.97%.

In the industry groups, Managed Health Care gained 2.82%; Coal industry was up 2.66%; Banks were up 2.60%; Tires & Rubber Products industry was up 2.16% while Textiles and Leather Goods industry was up 1.94%.

Today’s Market Statistics: Today, the gaining issues (Advancers) outnumbered the declined issues (Decliners) on the NYSE. The ratio of Advancers to Decliners was 1.30-to-1.0 or in practical terms, approximately for every eight Advancers there were five Decliners. In real numbers, to 2,270 Advancers to 1,746 Decliners with 319 Unchanged. The total volume of shares traded for gaining stocks was 1,990,362,709 or 58.1%; the total volume for declined stocks was 1,358,001,521 or 39.7% and 75,760,511 or 2.2% for “Unchanged”.

Today, there were 275 new 52-Week Highs and 75 new 52-Week Lows. Yesterday, there were 172 new 52-Week Highs and 78 new 52-Week Lows.

The rally is still alive but struggling to stay alive.  The recent pullback in technology stocks was needed and was orderly done.

The total volume of stocks traded at the NYSE today was 3,424,124,741 compared to yesterday’s 982,164,459. Today’s volume was about 3.48 times the volume yesterday and 2.8 times higher than the average of the ten most recent market sessions.

On the NASDAQ, the Advancers prevailed over the Decliners by a ratio of 1.15-to-1 or roughly for every three Advancers there were two Decliners. In real numbers, there were 2,292 Advancers to 1,990 Decliners with 266 Unchanged.

The total volume of volume-gaining stocks was 4,664,729,926 or 49.9%; the total volume of declined-volume stocks was 4,563,557,573 or 48.8% and 121,938,163 or 1.3% for “Unchanged”.

Today, there were 107 new 52-Week Highs and 156 new 52-Week Lows. Tuesday, there were 78 new 52-Week Highs and 127 new 52-Week Lows.

The total volume of stocks traded at the NASDAQ today was 9,350,225,662 compared to yesterday’s 5,541,318,123. Today’s volume was 69% higher than the volume yesterday and 63% higher than the average of the last ten market sessions.

10 –year Treasury Yield:    The 10-year Treasury yield inched up to 4.41%.

Stocks In The News/Stocks To Watch

The US Markets

Meta Platforms (META) continues to execute well. The chart indicates that the stock is likely to break out unless the market reverses. A higher percentage of stocks normally follow the market direction. Most stocks, for example, would not keep climbing when the markets are in a downward trend and indexes are declining.

Tesla (TSLA) is a stock to keep an eye on in the short term at least.


Regular Market Day Features

Beginner Investor’s (Canadian stocks) Watchlist

The Canadian Vanguard Chinese Stocks Watchlist

EV, Energy and Resource Stocks Watchlist


Readers are reminded that the market’s performance at the following day’s market session may completely differ from the market performance at the overnight markets.

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