The Canadian Vanguard Stock Market Report – Weekend, March 14 – 16, 2025
Your Data-Driven Stock Market Analysis And Report – the investor’s readiness guide for the week of March 17 market sessions.
(Updated regularly throughout the weekend)
The Toronto Market, Friday
The TSX composite index vaulted 350.17 points or 1.45% to close the session at 24,553.40. The market roared back Friday practically eclipsing the big declines recorded on Thursday. The Bulls prevailed completely. However, the market, technically, remains in correction.
The Market Breadth: The market was quite positive today and a number of sectors contributed to the day’s positive market outlook. Eight of the ten major sectors of the TSX gained. Technology, up a portfolio friendly 2.98%, was the leading sector on Friday; Financials was up 1.70%; Industrials was up 1.62% and Basic Materials was up 1.08%. Energy gained 1.02%; Durable Consumer Goods & Services gained 0.99%; and Discretionary Consumer Goods & Services gained 0.95%. Utilities down -0.08%; and Telecommunications Services, down -1.65% were the bottom performers on Friday.
Week’s Review: It was a tough week for stocks. Only three of the ten sectors gained this week. Basic Materials, up 3.99% was the top gainer this week. Energy registered a weekly gain of 1.84% and Utilities gained 0.64% for the week to round up the week’s gainers. Financials was down -1.92%; Healthcare was down -2.14%; and Industrials was down -2.18% for the week. Telecommunications Services was down -3.89%; Discretionary Consumer Goods & Services declined -4.12%; and Technology was bringing up the rear, down a hefty -4.47%. Last week, Technology was down a hefty -5.82% for the week. Technology was up Friday, but the sector remains down, deep, and may need some time to climb up enough to bring back investors’ confidence in the sector.
Industry Groups: The top five industry groups at the TSX today were: Computer Hardware, up 26.25%; Publishing, up 7.63%; Insurance – Multiline, up 5.53%; Electrical Components & Equipment, up 5.11%; and Air Freight & Courier Services, up 4.13%.
Today’s Statistics: The issues that gained (Advancers) outnumbered those that declined (Decliners). There were two Advancers for every Decliner or a more exact ratio of 1.98-to-1.0. In real numbers, there were 1,471 Advancers to 390 Decliners while 151 stocks remained Unchanged.
Today, there were 77 new 52-Week Highs and 25 new 52-Week Lows. On Thursday, there were 61 new 52-Week Highs and 76 new 52-Week Lows
The total volume of shares traded at the TSX today was 384,153,193 or 18% less compared to the volume of 467,972,149 shares traded on Thursday.
The US Markets, Friday
The Dow Jones Average index advanced 674.62 points or 1.65% to close at 41,488.19. The S&P 500 index vaulted 117.42 points or 2.13%. The Nasdaq Composite gained 350.17 points or 1.45%, to close at 17,754.09. The rally started on Wednesday, stalled on Thursday but regained steam on Friday.
The Market Breadth: The US markets on Friday were firing on all cylinders producing quite a buoyant session. All the major sectors gained. Technology, up 2.83%, was the top sector. Energy followed with 2.68% gain; Financials advanced 2.65%; Discretionary Consumer Goods & Services was up 2.09%; Utilities was up 2.08%. Telecommunications Services was the laggard of the day but still gained 0.19% reflecting the day’s quite positive market session.
Week’s Review: It was another bad week as only two sectors advanced this week. Energy was up 2.72% for the week and Utilities was up 2.29% for the week as investors were possibly looking for safety given that it was a bad week for stocks. Basic Materials declined -0.60%; Financials was down -1.01%; Industrials was down -1.08%; and Telecommunications Services was down -1.90%. Technology was down -2.03%; Healthcare was down -2.74 and Discretionary Consumer Goods & Services was down -3.58% to round up the week’s three bottom performers
Industry Groups: The top five industry groups at the US markets today were: Rail & Roads – Passengers, up 10.97%; Airport Services, up 6.66%; Advertising / Marketing, up 5.80%; Oil & Gas Drilling, up 5.30%; Real Estate Operations gained 4.30%.
Today’s Market Statistics: At the NYSE, the issues that gained (Advancers) outnumbered the issues that declined (Decliners). There were four Advancers for every Decliner – or an exact ratio of 4.42-to-1.0. In actual numbers, there were 3,408 Advancers to 771 Decliners with 272 Unchanged.
There were 75 new 52-Week Highs and 90 new 52-Week Lows. On Thursday, there were 53 new 52-Week Highs and 315 new 52-Week Lows.
The total volume of stocks traded at the NYSE today was 4,942,758,040 or 3.3% less, compared to the volume of 5,107,268,983 shares traded yesterday.
On the NASDAQ, the Advancers outnumbered the Decliners. There were roughly three Advancers for every Decliner or an exact ratio of 2.91-to-1.0. In actual numbers, there were 3,319 Advancers to 1,140 Decliners with 136 Unchanged.
Friday, there were 43 new 52-Week Highs and 174 new 52-Week Lows. On Thursday, there were 44 new 52-Week Highs and 382 new 52-Week Lows.
The total volume of shares traded at the NASDAQ was 7,321,842,296, or about the same as the volume of 7,308,097,148 shares traded on Thursday.
Oil Price: U.S. crude oil futures edged up 0.2% to $67.18 a barrel last week.
10 –year Treasury Yield: The 10-year Treasury yield dipped one basis point to 4.31%, bouncing back after initially tumbling.
Market Roundup Report: Friday, the market was like a rising tide that lifts all boats. Every major sector gained. The indexes reversed Thursday’s big declines with S&P 500 advancing 2.13%, compared to -1.4% on Thursday. However, though the market session was positive on Friday the volume was about the same as on Thursday. One positive session is welcome not sufficient to confirm a rally. We need to see a few more sessions similar to Friday’s and then one positive session with the day’s gain pumped up by a big volume increase in order to confirm the rally. We need to see institutional investors back in the market and making big purchases steadily. We also need to see an end the current choppy sessions. In the meantime we recommend strongly that we continue to wear our “caution” hat while trading or for beginners stay on the sidelines, preserve capital, until the markets outlook improves. The market remains is in correction.
Regular Market Day Features
Beginner Investor’s (Canadian stocks) Watchlist
The big six Canadian banks were back on Friday with Royal Bank (TSX:RY) leading the sector. Financials were up 1.70% on Friday but down -1.92% for the week.
Blended Growth Stocks Watchlist
Gold and precious metals are doing well. AEM has so far managed to defy the market’s current choppiness.
EV, Energy and Resource Stocks Watchlist
Readers are reminded that the market’s performance at the following day’s market session may completely differ from the market performance at the overnight markets.
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